Stop Ageing,

Start Evolving.

Small daily decisions, a life of results.

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It's Time for a Revolution


Elevate Your Energy

Experience a level of energy you thought was lost in your 20s. Master the language of your body. Feel alive again.


Defy the Drop

Every year after 30, your testosterone levels drop an average of 1-2%. We say enough. Get back what's rightfully yours.


Fuel Your Growth

Evolve mentally and physically to reach your prime. Time's passing is mandatory, but growing old is a choice.

Small Daily Habits, Big Life Changes

"Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things bought together." - Van Gogh

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." - Aristotle

The path to peak performance and optimum health isn’t achieved overnight; it’s carved out by small, consistent daily actions. Only by consistently performing the right habits do we make big changes.  

As men age, testosterone levels decrease, leading to reductions in muscle mass, energy, libido and even cognitive function, damaging your appearance, confidence, relationships, sleep and stress levels. With the right support, this doesn’t have to be your journey. 

Take your first step today.

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Why StayPrime?

Learn what makes StayPrime the brand trusted by a growing community.


Our compounds and manufacturers are selected to ensure the highest possible levels of quality


We design our products with convenience in mind, so that you can reach your prime with the simplest solutions. 


We want our products to be available for everyone, no matter what dietary preferences they have.


The compounds we select for our products are proven to have the highest absorption rates and therefore maximum efficacy.

Customer Care

We pride ourselves on replying quickly and helpfully to all of our customers, whatever the issue may be.  

UK Based

We are a UK based company, that manufacture products in the UK, using UK ingredients, following UK manufacturing standards.

Join the Community

Join the community of men taking control of their health.

No spam, we promise. Just updates on the latest offers and discounts, and tips to help you maintain your prime. 

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